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MDC’s new Senior Managers and a farewell to John Hesketh

24 April 2022

A warm welcome goes out to Manchester Deaf Centre’s new Senior Managers, Mark Woodall and Claire Holland, who have taken over from John Hesketh. John recently left MDC to take up new job with Bolton Deaf Society. Mark and Claire are two of our existing staff members and are job-sharing the role.

Build a profiterole tower with Punk Chef at MDC!

24 April 2022

Note the new date of 25th June when watching video below Learn how to make a profiterole tower with Punk Chef in MDC's own Bake Off! Now free – ingredients included! For your tickets email Michelle at: rileysbar@manchesterdeafcentre.com Who is Punk Chef? For those who don’t already know

New Step into Digital Course with BSL Interpreters starts 24 May

24 April 2022

Are you a beginner or looking to build your confidence and skills using digital devices such as a mobile phone, tablet or laptop? The WEA is running this course at Manchester Deaf Centre. There will be two sessions per week for 10 weeks starting 24th May 2022. Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10am to 3pm.

Answer Cancer Screening Workshop 26th May

24 April 2022

Thursday 26th May 2022, from 10.30am to 12.30pm At Manchester Deaf Centre, free refreshments provided The Answer Cancer Screening Workshop is an information and awareness-raising event aimed at Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Deafened people of all ages. It is BSL interpreted. Topics will include important

The Thursday Walking Group is back

24 April 2022

Due to popular demand, we have restarted our Walking Group this month. We aim to walk every fortnight until the end of August. Why not come and join us to get some fresh air and exercise, visit new places and meet some new friends? Thursdays 10am–2pm meeting at MDC every 2 weeks: 5th & 19th May

May the coffee be with you – free Star Wars morning party on May 4th

24 April 2022

Our successful series of 12 winter coffee mornings is going out with a big bang! The events have been aimed at encouraging Deaf people out of their homes by providing a warm, social environment during the winter months. We are finishing the project with a big Star Wars themed party. Why not come

Update on the DEN project for men who have been involved in the justice system

24 April 2022

Our DEN project is now underway. The DEN is a support group for Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing men who have previously been involved with the criminal justice system or in prison and are struggling to find work or social support networks. We have been having monthly cafe meet ups near the Deaf

Exciting new Mural Project for the Queen’s Jubilee by the Wellbeing Group from 11th May

24 April 2022

This year marks the Queen’s 70th year of service, and we are delighted to have secured funding to mark the Jubilee celebration in our own way at MDC. The funding will enable our Wellbeing Group to create a visual mural (wall painting) of the Queen’s Jubilee incorporating British Sign Language. Led

Volunteer awards for Gemma, Andrea, Nicola, Nicola, Lucy, Ellie, and Xanthe

24 April 2022

We’d like to give a big shout-out and thanks to 7 of our lovely volunteers who have recently received certificates and silver star pin badges for 6 months of service: Gemma, Andrea, Nicola, Nicola, Lucy, Ellie, and Xanthe. Gemma Andrea Nicola Here is a quote about volunteering for MDC

Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373