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C​lick on the titles below for more details:


‘Cosy Christmas’ event at Riley's Bar, Friday 16th December

11 December 2022

Come and join us in Riley's Bar for a festive evening of food and fun, including a Christmas hat competition and a gingerbread house competition. Everybody welcome! Date: Friday 16th December 2022 Time: 7pm onwards Where: Riley's Bar at Manchester Deaf Centre Tickets: £10 – hot buffet food and

Free BSL-led tour of art exhibition at HOME, Saturday 21st January

11 December 2022

Why not beat the winter blues by going to see an art exhibition? Our friends at Manchester’s HOME theatre, art gallery and cinema have a programme of accessible events: BSL tours of art exhibitions, BSL-interpreted theatre performances and captioned cinema. Join Martin Glover of Digitspace for a

MDC reaches Signature milestone – and will offer BSL Level 4 qualification from September 2023

11 December 2022

We have recently received a certificate from Signature, celebrating our 3-year milestone in successfully delivering Signature-accredited British Sign Language (BSL) courses Levels 1–3. Signature is a national charity and the leading awarding body and provider of BSL and other Deaf and Deafblind

Gift a BSL course this Christmas

11 December 2022

Are you still looking for a good Christmas present idea? Or do you know someone who would like to learn BSL? Courses make perfect gifts. Why not give a gift of BSL this year 🎅. Book a place on one of our Introduction to BSL courses as a gift, and you will receive a printable e-voucher with all of

MDC Job Club providing deaf aware feedback for job centres in Greater Manchester

11 December 2022

Staff from Salford Jobcentre Plus visited our Job Club recently to ask D/deaf people about their experiences in accessing Jobcentre services, for example: appointments with DWP advisors, claiming universal credit, etc. They will be visiting MDC once a month, starting in January 2023. This work is

New project to reduce domestic abuse and increase awareness and accessibility

11 December 2022

We have recently received funding from Manchester City Council’s Homelessness Department, which will enable us to improve services for Deaf people who are experiencing domestic abuse. The funding will enable us to: Visit Domestic Abuse services, Homelessness and Safe Accommodation providers in

New social and support group in Riley’s Bar, Wednesday evenings, for people new to the deaf community

11 December 2022

Are you: Hard of hearing or recently deafened? Struggling with conversation in noisy spaces? Do you have children or a family member who is D/deaf and you would like to meet other people with experiences of deafness? Are you anxious about your deaf identity? Do you want to practice

12-month volunteer awards for Nicola, Xanthe and Nicola

11 December 2022

Our volunteer Co-ordinator Steve Simons recently had the pleasure of awarding not one, not two, but three 12-month volunteer service awards! A huge thank you to Nicola Wilkinson, Xanthe Scarlett and Nicola Sorton for all of their support for Manchester Deaf Centre over the last 12 months. In

Raise money for MDC when you shop online

11 December 2022

Manchester Deaf Centre is now registered with easyfundraising , which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 7,000 retailers will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself. Many of the retailers who participate are

Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373