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Trusted Charity Mark

24 July 2023

We are excited to announce that Manchester Deaf Centre has been successful in achieving a Trusted Charity Mark accreditation. What does Trusted Charity Mark accreditation mean? It’s a quality standard and means that as an organisation, we have demonstrated that we have processes in place to run

Become a member of MDC

24 July 2023

Our trustee board is introducing a new membership scheme; anyone who uses our services and has an interest in the future of Manchester Deaf Centre is invited to become a registered member. What does being a ‘registered member’ mean? It means that you will have the right to vote about decisions

New BSL-accessible Driving Theory classes, starting on Thursday 10 August at MDC

24 July 2023

Would you like to gain your driver’s licence? All drivers taking their driving licence must first pass a theory test. We have an exciting new opportunity for deaf BSL users who want to learn driving theory. Weekly BSL Driving Theory sessions Where: Manchester Deaf Centre When: Thursdays,

New BSL-accessible English and maths courses, starting in September at MDC

24 July 2023

English and maths courses are back! We will be partnering with the WEA again to run English and maths courses based at Manchester Deaf Centre. The new classes will start in September. If you are interested, there are 2 things you need to do: Please email waite@manchesterdeafcentre.com to register

Move and Smile taster sessions

24 July 2023

Come and try a fun, accessible, fitness session called ‘Move and Smile’. We have two upcoming taster sessions at Manchester Deaf Centre: Monday 31 July 11am Thursday 3 August 1pm The aim of the sessions is to get your body moving and your heart smiling! What will happen during the session? Lucia

Inclusion project: visit to MoveUrmston sports centre in Trafford

24 July 2023

Our staff Kate and Michelle recently visited MoveUrmston in Trafford to discuss the barriers that deaf people face using leisure facilities, and to suggest changes that can be made to improve access. We were warmly welcomed by Trafford Leisure’s Health and Wellbeing Manager, Carly, and the team at

The DEN project is back

24 July 2023

We have received funding to restart our Deaf Ex-Offenders group (known as the DEN). The group is open to all people aged 18 or over who are D/deaf and: are at risk of re-offending, have had contact with the criminal justice system, or who were formerly in prison or on probation. The group

Update on Sign and Play sessions

24 July 2023

The group will now meet every Wednesday from 10am to 12pm, except for the last Wednesday in the month, when there will be no group. Upcoming dates in August are: 2 nd August 9 th August 16 th August 23 rd August Who is the group for? It’s for babies, toddlers, and children aged 0–5,

Meet Lauren, our new volunteer

24 July 2023

My name’s Lauren, and I’m a new volunteer here at MDC! I’ll be volunteering on Reception on Tuesdays, and with the Wellbeing Group on Thursdays. I started learning BSL when I was in high school, where I attended a Level 1 course in Didsbury, where I grew up. I had a family friend, when I was very

Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373