Sarah Warburton

Bids and Strategic Project Worker

In 2013, whilst working as a tutor in social welfare rights, a profoundly deaf student attended my course with two BSL interpreters. I enjoyed working with them so much; I was really impressed at how communication barriers could be overcome to enable the student to participate fully, and I discovered BSL as a fascinating language.

This experience inspired me to start to learn BSL myself, and since then I have studied up to BSL Level 3. I’ve been volunteering at Manchester Deaf Centre since 2017, to begin with in the Job Club and now in producing our regular newsletter.

In 2020 I was delighted to join the staff team, initially working on developing and co-ordinating Deaf Awareness and BSL training for external organisations. I've now switched role and I work in support of our two Senior Managers, Claire and Mark, assisting with writing funding applications and strategic project work.

I have a 20+ year career background working in the charity and statutory sectors, with a focus on rights-based work. I am passionate about removing barriers that cause disadvantage and ensuring equality of opportunity for all.

O​utside of work I love being outdoors on foot or in my sea kayak.



Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373